It's that time of the year again. And, no, we don't mean the holidays. Black Friday.
The time surrounding Black Friday and the day-of can be truly anxiety-inducing.
You are bombarded with ads on the best discounts left and right, each brand claims that THEIR pants are the best ones to reach for and the ticking time animations on websites make it abundantly clear you have to choose NOW or NEVER...choice paralysis.
This Black Friday - choose calm.
In collaboration with Tess Smith Roberts, an amazing illustrator and the author of this colorful drawing - we show our support of mindful consumption over mass-buying, this Friday and always.
This time around, we'll ''join'' this shopping craze with one rule: let's also help the ones that are less fortunate.
A donation of any amount, to any organization that does some good, can be exchanged for a 10% discount code on our website.
Simply send the ''proof'' of donation to adam@tomadam.fr until Friday, November 26, 23:59 CET and we'll do the rest.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Tom & the team